Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Raffael de Gruttola रैफियेल डी ग्रुटोला

buffeting the wind
against the reeds
distant sirens

हवा को पीटते
नरकटों के प्रतिकूल
दूरस्थ भोंपू

in the citadel wall
dandelion flower

दुर्ग की दिवार में
डैंडलियन फूल

no letter from you
watching a mocking bird
chase a butterfly

तुम्हारा कोई पत्र नहीं
देख रहा एक मॉकिंग बर्ड को
तितली का पीछा करते

shallow pond
a frog
stops singing

छिछला ताल
एक मेंढक ने
गाना बन्द किया

endless day -
a train whistle widens
in the cold air

बेअंत दिन -
एक ट्रेन की सीटी फैलती है
ठंडी हवा में

-Raffael de Gruttola / रैफियेल डी ग्रुटोला

Raffael de Gruttola Past President and Treasurer of the Haiku Society of America. President and founder of the Boston Haiku Society in 1987. Coordinator of the Haiku North American Conference in Boston in 2001. Editor of the Boston Haiku Society News which prints to local members on a monthly basis since 1987. Founder of two renku groups, the Immature Green Heron, with Karen Klein and Judson Evans and the Metro West Renku Association with poets Paul David Mena, and Brett Peruzzi. His haiku have been published in many journals throughout the world. All of the above haiku appeared first in the Boston Haiku Society News.

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